Welcome: Three-winged bird lighting technology
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397579094@qq.com +86-18022024369

Business case

  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
  • Luyin Hotel Shunde
Luyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel ShundeLuyin Hotel Shunde

Hotel project: Guangdong Shunde Luyin Hotel lighting renovation

Hotel Address: Located in Foshan, Guangdong Shunde Guizhou Avenue No. 1

Luyin Hotel Shunde is located in the center of Shunde, convenient transportation, pleasant environment, adjacent to Kelon, Galansy, Panasonic and other large ten-brand electrical companies and Shunde Port, Shunde exhibition Center, is a well-known local luxury business 4-star hotel, has been established for more than 20 years. Our company has assisted the hotel in renovation and upgrading for many times, and it is still one of the top ten hotels in the local occupancy rate.



Contact: Joey

Phone: 13824783647

Tel: +86-18022024369

Email: 397579094@qq.com

Add: A24 card on the first floor of Liufang Building, No. 11 Xinxing Avenue, Guzhen Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China