Welcome: Three-winged bird lighting technology
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397579094@qq.com +86-18022024369

Business case

  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
  • Cullinan Resort Hotel
Cullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort HotelCullinan Resort Hotel

Hotel Project: Cullinan Resort Hotel


Hotel Address: Cullinan, Bali, Indonesia.


Project information: The hotel was originally a private resort club at the local level, and then the owner handed over the property to local personnel to make a resort hotel. We make the hotel space more spacious, bright and comfortable through reasonable lighting layout. In the design of resort hotels, color matching is very important, and reasonable color matching can make the space more beautiful and elegant. At the same time, the use of light is very important. The use of white space can create different atmospheres and effects by controlling the direction, strength and other factors of the light.



Contact: Joey

Phone: 13824783647

Tel: +86-18022024369

Email: 397579094@qq.com

Add: A24 card on the first floor of Liufang Building, No. 11 Xinxing Avenue, Guzhen Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China